08.07.2010    DIMMU BORGIR präsentieren das 3te von 4 Teilen zum neuen Artwork   (10764 mal gelesen)
The third of four portions of the new artwork for the as-yet-untitled DIMMU BORGIR album has been uploaded to the band’s MySpace page.

When asked if there’s a connection between the image on the new album and the character from Death Cult Armageddon, German artist / painter / graphic designer Joachim Luetke (Arch Enemy, Kreator, Sopor Aeternus) - who studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria - responds:

“The [older] character’s called The Wanderer. Now, in retrospective, I feel that he’s always been the prophet, the herald of an age to come. Now he’s roaming the world after mankind’s demise. He’s the last of his kind. Neither human nor god – the perfect link to the age of the elder gods.”

Luetke’s artwork and layout art also graced DIMMU BORGIR’s In Sorte Diaboli (2007) and Death Cult Armageddon (2003).

Over 101 musicians have contributed to the making of the new album, including Norwegian composer and Berklee College of Music summa cum laude alumnus Gaute Storaas, the 51 members of KORK (the Norwegian Radio Orchestra), and the 38-member Schola Cantorum Choir.

DIMMU BORGIR’s ninth studio album will be released in Germany on September 24th, in the rest of Europe on September 27th, and in North America on October 12th.

Weitere Infos: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=10834495&blogId=536867154#ixzz0t7UBUac2

(Quelle: Band @ myspace)

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