09.12.2024    IRON MAIDEN: neuer Schlagzeuger ist bekannt.   (20664 mal gelesen)
Hier das original Statement:

As The Future Past Tour concludes after 81 shows to over 1.4 million fans, from Ljubljana to the Coachella Valley and from Western Australia to Sao Paulo, Iron Maiden are delighted to announce that stepping in behind the kit for 2025 is a name familiar to many of our fans – Simon Dawson, a former session drummer and Steve’s rhythm section partner of the past 12 years with British Lion.

A native of Suffolk, England, Simon first teamed up with Steve Harris back in 2012. He debuted on three tracks on the first British Lion album and all of the second critically acclaimed ‘The Burning’, plus the many subsequent tours in the US, UK, Europe, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and, most recently, both Mexico and South America.

Iron Maiden celebrate their 50th Anniversary next year with the Run For Your Lives Tour starting in Budapest on May 27th.

(Quelle: ironmaiden.com)

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